Kajian viabilitas benih sorgum (Sorghum bicolor [L] Moench.) varietas numbu dan UPCA-S2 akibat pengusangan dipercepat maupun periode simpan alami
Benih, Etanol, Sorgum, ViabilitasAbstract
Kemunduran benih dapat terjadi akibat lamanya periode penyimpanan atau pengusangan cepat. Viabilitas benih akan lebih rendah karena meningkatnya kemunduran benih. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan viabilitas benih sorgum varietas Numbu dan UPCA-S2, karena periode simpan alami dan karena pengusangan cepat. Intensitas pengusangan cepat adalah meningkatnya konsentrasi larutan etanol. Sebagian benih disimpan di dalam ruangan bersuhu 27,3 ± 0,9 ?C dan viabilitasnya diamati secara berkala setiap dua bulan hingga 6 bulan. Sebagian benih sorgum lainnya diperlakukan dengan melembabkannya dalam larutan etanol dengan peningkatan konsentrasi 0, 4, 8, dan 12%, masing-masing selama 24 jam. Periode simpan alami dan juga perlakuan intensitas pengusangan cepat berpengaruh secara signifikan (P <0,01) pada persentase kecambah normal dan kecepatan perkecambahan. Viabilitas benih kedelai Numbu maupun UPCA-S2 menurun secara signifikan pada perlakuan pengusangan cepat dengan konsentrasi etanol 8%, juga pada perlakuan periode penyimpanan dua bulan.
Seed deterioration can occur by the length of the storage period or accelerated aging. The viability of seeds will be lower due to increasing seed deterioration. This experiment aimed to compare the viability of the seeds of two varieties of sorghum, Numbu, and UPCA-S2, due to the natural storage period and due to accelerated aging. The intensity of aging was the increasing concentration of ethanol solution. Some seeds were stored in a room with a temperature of 27,3 ± 0,9?C, and their viability was observed periodically every 2 months up to 6 months. Some other sorghum seeds were treated by moisturizing them in ethanol solution with increasing concentrations, 0, 4, 8, and 12%, each for 24 hours. Seed viability was observed at each end of the rapid aging treatment. The storage period and the intensity of aging treatment significantly (P<0,01) reduced the percentage of normal seedling and germination speed. The viability of Numbu soybean seeds and UPCA-S2 decreased significantly in the accelerated aging treatment with 8% ethanol concentration, also in the two-month storage period treatment.
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